Fine Arts Faculty

Última actualización: Jueves, Febrero 02, 2012 10:22 AM

Master in Aesthetics and Creativity

The Master in Aesthetics and Creativity bases its existence in the context of expansion of aesthetics in dialogue with the various strands of criticism and art history at its current developments, cultural studies and expanding the field of art to the world of culture and society. Consistent with this perspective, the Master is recognized to: a) Develop an understanding of creation in which the artistic and production methods constitute cultural, interdisciplinary, collaborative processes in which the artist is recognized as a producer of creative projects ; b) Set up relationships between theory and practice, with emphasis on research and the creation of work that enable new rewrites of the aesthetic, cultural and artistic contexts; c) Embodies notions such as inter-and transdisciplines, from the point of view of the curriculum and the program: problems of aesthetics and contemporary art theory, research-creation of production. Profile The graduate of the Master in Aesthetic and Creativity will be able to: Develop specialized research-creation in arts, leading to the production of meaning through artistic-aesthetic practices or through deepening in systematic and methodological aesthetic ways. Teach in humanities areas at all levels of formal education. Interact with interdisciplinary groups of professionals and researchers in the arts and humanities. Be a researcher, cultural manager, planner, administrator and teacher of art programs. Create and consult specialized art programs to meet the demand of education in arts of the region and country. Appraise, interpret and reinterpret artistic practices, from their production, historical and spatial contexts. Find the philosophical, aesthetic and semiotic fundamentals that enable achieving levels of understanding in interpreting various aesthetic texts. Carry out the planning, research, production and circulation of art work in local, national and international environments. Skills Cognitive skills, to enable the appropriation and generation of significant knowledge, and the development of a speech from the aesthetic creation. Socio-cultural skills, as part of the sociolinguistic skills that allow the individual to use the social meanings properly. Pragmatic skills, to enable the understanding and development of knowledge concerning the logic in the field of aesthetics and creation. Comprehensive Skills, as a strategy for developing critical thinking, the appropriation of methodologies for analysis and interpretation of problems, the construction of value judgments, and projective approach of new forms of aesthetic-creative thinking. Research-Creation Skills, to enhance the development and implementation of solutions to disciplinary, interdisciplinary, professional and artistic problems. Technical Skills, to enhance the approach to problems related to the configuration, registration, materiality and the staging of the piece.  General Information on CENIAH Justification The existence of an Interdisciplinary Research Center for the Arts and Humanities (CENIAH) attached to the Faculty of Fine Arts and to the Research Centre of the UTP, is of great importance since the research process and its results have contributed to improving the academic and artistic development of the Faculty and the social and cultural environment. Also, there have been inconsistencies in the adoption and use of the methodology, derived from the empiricism and the application of methodologies of social sciences. Mission: "Research in Arts and Humanities for the cultural and social development". Objectives  Establish systematic research processes that link theory and practice. Promote individual or group research, based on reflection and criticism. Promote the need for interdisciplinary research to find new ways of artwork. Become critical and creative researchers. Strengthen the Academy and the Outreach. Substantiate the concept of artistic creativity as an interdisciplinary process. Develop exchanges of experiences among researchers. Create lines of research consistent with the social, economic and cultural needs in the region and country. Create new methodologies consistent with the current context, to motivate both teachers and students to research in their local area. Integrate academic research to the teaching. Research Groups Art and culture Social conflict and prevention of violence and crime Beauty and expression Interdisciplinary research in education, art, music and aesthetics Moral and Political Philosophy - Ethik – Phenomenology Contemporary philosophy Post-metaphysical philosophy Ancient philosophy Philosophy and skepticism Research Group in applied linguistics - Gila. Research Group in art, culture, heritage and technology (Artemusa) Human mobility Music and community

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Última actualización: Jueves, Febrero 02, 2012 10:15 AM

Master in Literature

The Master in Literature program is aimed at professionals in the areas of art, literature, humanities and philosophy willing to obtain specialized training in literary research. Similarly to other professionals who have appropriate training or perform leveling literary studies to enter the program. The Master, corresponding to its field of study that is Latin American literature, promotes an approach that integrates the specificity of the literary phenomenon with multiple viewing of the world through the knowledge of other disciplines, particularly philosophy. We present a predominance of literary studies, as determined by the nature of the program, from a discipline axis –Latin American literature-, serves as core for reflection, study and research. Master studies lead to the development of a research project, starting from the first semester, so that sufficient expertise is acquired in a coordinated manner in the different areas and levels of the four academic semesters. Objective Create a space for literary research, through learning to master relevant library resources, to appropriate specific methodology for the study of literature and to receive the advice and direction in the research work.  

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Última actualización: Jueves, Febrero 02, 2012 10:13 AM

Music Degree

Mission: "Comprehensive training of music educators for the cultural promotion and development of the environment." Vision: We are part of a dynamic program of the artistic and musical culture in the Colombian Coffee Region, which provides services of teaching, research and extension from the Music Degree. The social and economic goals for our graduates include: recognition of artistic, intellectual and educational production and specialized teaching development. Our aim is the overall education with quality and excellence. Objectives We are part of a dynamic program of the artistic and musical culture in the Colombian Coffee Region, which provides services of teaching, research and extension from the Music Degree. The social and economic goals for our graduates include: recognition of artistic, intellectual and educational production and specialized teaching development. Our aim is the overall education with quality and excellence. Profile Its comprehensive education, allows performing a successful career and leading processes of musical development in an institutional and community level. The Music School seeks primarily to train music educators as well rounded beings to serve the musical and social development, contribute in the process of modernization and equity of the society with quality and excellence, and develop musical institutions that achieve a harmonious development. The graduate is recognized for being: a connoisseur and scholar of music and the socio-cultural context, change agent and innovation promoter, community leader and director of social work with commitment, morality, spirituality and respect for what he/she does, planner and implementer of social and musical researches. The Music Degree teaches disciplinary, interdisciplinary, investigative, social and communication skills, which enables the student to serve as teacher, researcher, instrumentalist, arranger and / or composer, member of musical groups and cultural coordinator. He/she is capable of: being a good music educator, assuming the musical work in a creative, critical and investigative manner, promote social, cultural and human awareness through the exercise of teaching, interpret the educational policies determined for the  musical field, respond to basic musical needs of the academic, cultural and artistic environment. Occupational Profile The Music Degree graduate can work as: Teacher in the specific music area at an academic and artistic level, with basic training. Instrumentalist with a level of basic training, to form musical groups in different genres and also pursue higher studies, specializing in one of the different lines of instrumental emphasis. Designer and evaluator of music education programs. Cultural coordinator of artistic and cultural activities, projected to the community. Researcher in the musical field at a teaching, socio-cultural or artistic level. Arranger and composer in the pedagogical musical field. Member or director of musical groups in its various forms, according to their specific capabilities.

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Última actualización: Jueves, Febrero 02, 2012 10:11 AM

English Language Degree

Mission: Bachelor's Degree in English Language from the Universidad Tecnologica de Pereira is an academic program that responds to the need to professionalize teachers capable of enhancing education in the region in the learning of English as a foreign language.   Vision: The degree in English Language will be a leader in the training of education professionals in order to support and encourage the children, youth and adults in their foreign language learning process, particularly English. The program will work with international standards of proficiency in English. It shall aim to achieve levels of excellence in technological, research and humanistic education and ensure the comprehensive training of its graduates, in order to become regional leaders in teaching English as a foreign language from childhood on. General Objectives Train professionals in the field of English language from an overall perspective to perform teaching, research and social outreach activities. Train professionals to study and develop all aspects of teaching and learning of English as a foreign language in a context consistent with ethical principles, values ??and objectives of the UTP. Train ethically responsible teachers who can serve as English teachers and whose professionalism meets the educational, social and cultural requirements of the nation. Integrate the program to national and international academic communities of teaching and learning of English as a foreign language. Create academic spaces for the construction, application and systematization of educational innovations in the area of ??teaching and learning of English especially in the Risaralda and Northern Valle areas. Guide and coach institutions and programs that relate to the area of ??teaching English as a foreign language. Specific Objectives To provide the needed skills and elements in order to have a high level of professional competence. To promote and develop interest in research, particularly action research Develop the functions and activities with an ethical, responsible and critical sense in order to become agents of social change. Perform the activities relevant to their teaching with responsibility, autonomy, adaptation, respect for others and appreciation of its principles and criteria. Professional Profile The graduate of English language is highly trained in skills English as a foreign language, especially the communication component, the theoretical and practical knowledge of current methodologies of teaching English at a general level. Also, the graduate has skills, values ??and attitudes that enable him/her to fulfill its teaching profession with academic, educational, research and humanities competitiveness. The English Language degree offers: In the human part: become a facilitator of learning, have social awareness, have a critical conscience, being creative and strategist, possessing ability to commitment, to be honest, transparent and characterized by high self-esteem, have a clear professional identity and culture. In the technical part: to have optimal management of information and of the theoretical component related to teaching and learning of English, to be effective, efficient and effective and to have a proficiency in the English language including the communication component. In the scientific part: to have a comprehensive view, possess a spirit of creativity and research, have the capacity for synthesis, and have an integrated, interdisciplinary, innovative vision. Occupational Profile The English Language graduate can work in: Teaching English as a foreign language. Researcher in this field of knowledge. The development and implementation of innovative pedagogies and projects in the area of ??teaching English. The design and implementation of courses in English. The development of curriculum projects related to teaching and learning of English as a foreign language at the local, regional and national levels. Participation in the administration, guidance and counseling of English programs in public and private institutions that meet the needs of the population. Participation in interdisciplinary teams to study and perform work in the field of teaching and learning of English as a foreign language. The management of programs and projects in teaching and learning of English as a foreign language, creating interagency agreements nationally and internationally. Areas: Social, Cultural, Research, Technology, Discipline

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Última actualización: Jueves, Febrero 02, 2012 10:08 AM

Degree in Philosophy

Objectives Consolidate in the city and region an academic space of philosophical work about universal themes of human knowledge and praxis, which provide the necessary elements for reflection and research in the fields of science, technology, morality and culture in general. Create within the Universidad Tecnologica de Pereira a strong community of philosophical work able to reflect on the problems inherent to the production of scientific and technical knowledge as well as practical, moral, political and cultural implications that it entails.   Profile The education achieved through the critical and direct work with authors and subjects that make up the main lines of thought provide the elements and the necessary attitude to rise in right philosophical language terms, the problems that underlie the different fields of knowledge and human endeavor. This education makes it possible to address the increasingly felt need to venture into all areas of life both intellectual and social and political, from a rigorous point of reflection that embraces the foundations of our culture. However, this perspective implies its own construction which implies the creation or opening of the discursive spaces in the society. These spaces couldn’t be created before due to multiple historical determinations, so they can only be won by showing its relevance and necessity as vital horizons of meaning in the formation of national identity.   OCCUPATIONAL PROFILE The future professional will relate to the field of science and shall reflect upon its objective and the methods used to create new knowledge, as well as on the way it is applied and how it relates to technology. In this sense, the graduate may participate in interdisciplinary research projects as well as being a teacher at a university level in areas of philosophy, humanities, history of science and epistemology. In the practical field, is urgent to have a philosophical approach of the moral and political problems. From those arising from scientific and technical impact on man and nature to the problems of political and economic development on which philosophical reflection has focused on the last decades worldwide. This open the doors to the philosopher in fields such as teaching ethics, politics and environment in high school, after obtaining a degree or masters in pedagogy and education. Another option is to advise public and private social projects. Similarly it is necessary to create a philosophical language in relation to art and other cultural manifestations that allow developing tasks such as art criticism, the recovery of heritage or the design of cultural policies, and providing conceptual elements to identify the essential features of our culture. The education achieved in the program will also provide sufficient elements to continue postgraduate studies within or outside the country.

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Última actualización: Jueves, Febrero 02, 2012 10:05 AM

Degree in Visual Arts

General information MODE: In site, Daytime; DURATION: Ten semesters ENTRY REQUIREMENTS: High school degree, results of National State examinations, artistic aptitude test. Skills Communication Social Disciplinary Interdisciplinary Research Education core and areas Humanities and Civic Pedagogical Technology Artistic Mission: "Comprehensive training of professionals in the visual arts with social, ethical and humanistic criteria " Profile: The Plastic and Visual Arts School educates integral professionals, trained to serve as teacher and researcher of visual arts, designer of community service programs, agent of cultural, artistic and community change and development, Educator with the capacity to propose and develop innovations in the areas of art.

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Última actualización: Martes, Enero 31, 2012 2:48 PM

Fine Arts Faculty

Mission: "Art and Culture in the Third Millennium" Vision: We are a faculty that creates and encourages the aesthetic culture in the Coffee region, which provides teaching, research and extension programs services to undergraduate, graduate and non-formal education in: visual arts, music, performing arts, languages, philosophy and humanities. The social and economic goals for our teachers are: recognition of artistic, intellectual and educational production and specialized teaching development. For our target population we seek the integral formation with quality and excellence. Our work and social behavior are guided by the principles of: transparency, responsiveness, ethics, creativity and respect for differences in accordance with the guiding principles of the UTP.   Educational Project (PEFBAH):  The Educational Project of the Faculty of Fine Arts and Humanities is made up of a set of policies and strategies planned by the academic community, to determine academic and administrative guidelines and screening at the community level, consistent with international, national, departmental and institutional policies. Justification: Guides the academic, research and extension activities of the Faculty of Fine Arts and Humanities. Allows integration of the academic community, self-realization, lifelong learning and empowerment of each participant in a balanced organizational climate. Ensures implementation of policies, procedures and methods of self-regulation. Improves the image and increases the impact of the Faculty in the regional and national levels. Ensures the participation of the academic community in decision-making processes. Guides academic activities to develop the potential of the participant. Creates opportunities for the faculty to relate with the environment. Policies:  Academic and administrative excellence. Promotion of the education, the arts and the culture. Membership in the national and international academic communities. Integration of the teaching, research and extension functions. Promotion of research and development. Evaluation and continuous improvement. Development of human talent. Interaction with all levels of education. Interaction with the environment.   Strategies: Academic and administrative modernization and flexibility. Diversification and accreditation of the programs. Development of teamwork and academic communities within and between institutions. Maintain a good organizational climate. Improve the communication system and connection to national and international networks. Maintenance of the supply system for the human, physical and financial resources. Opening of academic programs in the form of open and distance learning (ODL).

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