Physicist Engineering


Education of professionals with technical and scientific skills, delving into the use of technological and IT tools.


It seeks to contribute to society with graduates capable of generating small companies, adapting technology and producing research that contributes to the growth of science in our country.


Educate engineers that use their technical and scientific skills and social motivations to create appropriate technology while being an agent of innovation and technological rehabilitation focused in their social responsibilities. Contribute to the integration between different areas and give the engineer an opportunity to broaden his/her skills as a researcher, taking into account that he/she is a professional in physics applied to the industry but with enough interdisciplinary contacts that favor a comprehensive, dynamic and structured education.

Professional Profile

The education of the Physical Engineering is based in the developable set of features that characterize the person in its professional activity, which is the result of an integration of knowledge, skills and abilities. In the context of the program, the professional education is provided by the knowledge given to the physicist engineer through two major cycles: The Foundations Cycle and Professional Cycle. These develop basic skills in the graduates such as synthetic and analytical reasoning, mathematical ability, ability to solve technological problems, modeling and optimizing processes, design, implement and evaluate experiments, design instrumental equipment, management software, design and assembly of hardware, design and construct measurement equipment, design and construct interfaces for microprocessors, evaluation and use of information contained in technical journals, manuals, newsletters and more. Also, the ability to use, adapt and innovate technology.


Physics Laboratory III

General Electronics Laboratory

Modern Physics Laboratory – IF761


Última actualización: Viernes, Febrero 03, 2012 5:04 PM
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