Electronic Engineering


Provide skills for the design, development and application of mechanical and electrical products.

Professional Profile

The Electronic Engineer of the Universidad Tecnologica de Pereira will be able to improve already established solutions, or to propose original solutions to problems involving the use of devices and / or electronic techniques, in the fields of control, computing, electronics and instrumentation communications. He / She will be able to research in topics related to electronics and its application to the needs of industry in the country. Dominate all aspects of hardware and software for control and instrumentation systems based on microprocessors, microcontrollers, computers, digital signal processors. He / She will not only have the fundamental and essential knowledge of his profession, but also manual and practical skills that allow to know the principles and limitations of the equipment, components and materials with which it works.


Educate professionals with scientific and technological knowledge which allows them to research, analyze, design, construct, appropriate technologies, adapt to the environment new technologies that arise in each of the branches of electronics and manage and improve processes which involve electronic devices and systems in plants and production facilities; all of this towards the development of their creative spirit and to create a scientific and critical attitude which allows him/her to work in line with the national reality.

Gain skills for the design, development and application of mechanical and electrical products.

Professional Profile

The Electronic Engineer of the Universidad Tecnologica de Pereira will be able to improve already established solutions, or to propose original solutions to problems involving the use of devices and / or electronic techniques, in the fields of control, computing, electronic instrumentation and communications. He / She will be able to make research related to electronics and its application to the needs of industry in the country. He /She will master all aspects of hardware and software of the control and instrumentation systems based on microprocessors, microcontrollers, computers, digital signal processors, and / or designs based on sequential and combinational digital systems. He / She will have not only the fundamental and essential knowledge of his profession, but also manual and practical skills that allow him/her to fully meet the principles and limitations of the equipment, components and materials with which it works.


Última actualización: Viernes, Febrero 03, 2012 5:27 PM
Telefono: +57 6 3137139, 3137131 Fax: 3212769 Contacto: english@utp.edu.co
CRIE • © 2014 • Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira